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Who We Are

Quotes From Our Supporters

“The THINK GOD billboards cause me to immediately Think God, and it’s an encouragement for me.”

Amanda Ness, San Antonio, TX

“I absolutely LOVE the “Think God” signs because God seems to make me aware of the them at the right moment—whether I’m having a stressful day or just irritated by the traffic. It’s His way of telling me, “Trust me. It is going to be okay!”

Angelica Coronado, New Braunfels, TX

“My life is full of messages, the one message that seems to be in all the right places is “Think God””

Anita Woodward, San Antonio, TX

“Who do you go to?…what do you think? It’s not only an inspiration, it’s direction. It’s hope.”

Brittany Dodson, San Antonio, TX

“When I see the think God signs, it reminds me of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, and how God has directed my steps throughout my life, even when I was unaware of it”

Chelsea Jones, San Antonio,TX

“Think God — He’s thinking about you.”

Christine Breen, San Antonio, TX

“A breath of fresh air.”

Debi Pfitzenmaier, San Antonio, TX

“God is bigger than any problem I have.”

Ed Bruce, San Antonio, TX

“Sometimes something happens in my life, maybe small or maybe big, I know it’s by the Grace of God.”

Elise Cox, San Antonio, TX

“We asked our son what he thought about the Think God signs. “It’s awesome and makes me think about God!”

Hector Carielo, (8 years old), San Antonio, TX

“When I see the signs I feel peace and gratitude for all his blessings!”

Juanita Cantu, San Antonio, TX

“When I see the “Think God” signs it reminds me that God is Much bigger than any problem I have and that He Created the Heavens and the Earth & He is Over every King/Leader in the World. This little reminder gives me perspective and comfort.”

Kim Ghez, San Antonio, TX

“What a terrific blessing to be able to Think God during the day in our hectic lives! I can’t wait to see more messages of love and hope around our city!”

Kimberly Penney, Austin, TX

“We asked our daughter what she thought about the sign…she just smiled and said: “that’s cool!”

Leila Coronado, New Braunfels, TX

“What do I think when I see the sign, “Think God”? He’s singing your song. Zephaniah 3:17…He likes you. John 3:16…He has a plan for your life. Jeremiah 29:11″

Pastor Louie Kaupp, San Antonio, TX

“I have a million things running through my head during the hustle and bustle of my busy life in San Antonio. No matter how many things I’m juggling, I’m unavoidably reminded every day to “Think God” as I travel my day. Powerful!!!!!”

Luis de la Torre, San Antonio, TX

“When I see the bill boards that say, “THINK GOD” it makes me think about how to treat others while I am out driving around the city. Sometimes it makes my whole day change.”

James Thompson, Schertz Texas

“Think God Campaign is an amazing way for all of us to be a part of something so amazing, God!”

Julissa Carielo, San Antonio, TX

“It accomplishes what the billboard says, which is to Think about God.”

Dr. Mark Jones, San Antonio, TX

“When I see the THINK GOD billboards, it reminds me of all the great things the Lord has done for me and blessed me with.”

Mark Ness, San Antonio, TX

“When I see the signs I think about God and I am at peace.”

Michael Hoover, San Antonio, TX

We asked our son what he thought about the Think God signs. “I like them!”

Joshua Hoover (3 years old) San Antonio, TX

“Think God billboard is a quick reminder of how powerful God is!”

Oscar Carielo, San Antonio, TX

We asked our son what he thought about the Think God signs. “It makes me think how we need to love and respect each other!”

Oscar Carielo (10 years old), San Antonio, TX

“The moment I see the bill board sign, “Think God”, I want to thank God for all my blessings.”

Patty Suarez, San Antonio, TX

“We were troubled over an injustice and while driving we looked up and saw a billboard that said THINK GOD, which changed our whole perspective of what we were going through, realizing God can take care of us.”

Theresa Jones, San Antonio, TX

“When I see the “THINK GOD” signs I smile because of all the blessings he has bestowed on me and it reminds me that he is thinking of me.”

Tony Luna, San Marcos, TX

“What a big blessing in a small way”

Trenton Jones, San Antonio, TX

“When I see the signs I become overwhelmed with joy because God is love.”

Trish Hoover, San Antonio, TX

“Think God Campaign reminds me of, “Luke 10:2 Then He said to them, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”

Veronica Thompson, Schertz, TX

“It’s a reminder that GOD is present in the daily coming and goings of my life!”

Rev. Msgr. Kevin Ryan

“When I see a Think God sign it reminds me to Thank God for my life.”

Gregory Hayden

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